TimeTOP Attendance Software
Timesheet Enhances Employee Productivity: TimeTOP Attendance Software is most secured time tracking software having password protection. The software is much in demand today because it helps in enhancing the efficiency and productivity of the employees at the workplace. It helps the administrators to work more effectively by reducing the nonproductive activities and other related lapses at the work. TimeTOP software has Attendance Management system which helps in tracking the employee information. The information is collected either by data collection machines or by the time punch clocks. The information when passed into the TimeTOP software system which checks every single activity performed by the employee. It helps to change the environment and enhances better communication competence at the work places.

TimeTOP Premium time tracking software
The social media network plays an important role today and we find more and more people using various social media sites frequently than necessary. Even at work the employees spent time on social media or on emails

TimeTop Platinum Security Software
TimeTOP Platinum is a secure, password protected attendance management system that allows you to manage time spent by Manager on nonproductive administrative task thereby improving your accuracy effeciency and productivity.

TimeTOP Web Security Software
TimeTOP Platinum is a secure, password protected attendance management system that allows you to manage time spent by Manager on nonproductive administrative tasks thereby improving your accuracy efficiency, and productivity.
TimeTOP mainly works on the information collected according to the schedule. It checks the activities by sequence during day or night. It displays every activity along with its duration and the level of productivity in form of timesheet. Attendance software is part of the timesheet which is fully automated to keep the track of attendance and other related activities.
Different methods have been used in getting the information about the time spent during working hours and also about Employee Attendance. The data is collected from various forms of data readers such as magnetic stripe, barcode and proximity readers along with finger-prints, hand-geometry and face identification software. It helps in finding the authenticity of the data more accurately.
TimeTOP software is also useful in finding more about Labor Attendance too. It helps in identifying the missed punches and also any erroneous entries while filling the attendance. The minor adjustments can be made easily and offer warnings in form of signals on wrong entries. The automated software calculates working hours in terms of overtime and on performance basis.
Time sheet attendance software is easy to operate and easy to manage. It has simple navigation and drop down menus. It can calculate the information in terms productive time and also display reports in various forms. Make use of automation option which mechanically controls all the activities. The information collected can be used in evaluating the employees and their performances. It allows the user to make changes or any adjustments as required before printing the reports. The information is not only stored in form of protected database but it is displayed as and when required in a systematic report formats.
The attendance software provides following options:
• Assignment schedules
• Pattern planning
• Activities involved
• Time calculation
• Email notification
• Support for multiple departments
• Database storage facility
• Reports